Knowing your hair will grow your hair
Every good routine begins with getting to know your hair. Being familiar with your curls and what works for them is important. Not all products work with all hair types and using a product that isn’t a match can cause you trouble instantly. Find cleansing and conditioning products that compliment your hair texture without drying out your scalp or giving you product build-up. Camille Rose’s Signature Collection is a great place to start. Once you find a product that works for you, you are well on your way to creating a healthy-hair regime.
Think of oils as essential needs
Inserting a nice, oil-based massage into your hair routine will definitely keep your hair flourishing. Oils are great for treating dry scalp and retaining moisture. For example, clary sage oil is great for providing strength, while tea tree oil relieves massages and soothes. Adding oil to your routine can help you prevent breakage while also contributing to your tresses’ growth. Every oil will provide something different for your curls, so be intentional with its use. Our Nangai & Tsubaki Strength Restore Hair Oil is great for helping with damage because it provides your hair with strengthening nutrients. Using an oil that is specific to your needs will not only help you get the results you are looking for, but it will also help you maintain your healthy curls.
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins!
Vitamins help replenish your hair and account for nutrients you may have missed out on throughout the day. Your curls need nutrients just like your body does to perform at its peak. If you want full, luxurious locks, daily vitamins are the answer! Expect to try a few different vitamins before honing in on a specific product that works. This Super Food Hair and Nails vitamin is great for promoting growth and healthy hair follicles while preventing a dry, and itchy scalp. Adding vitamins to your routine will help boost positive results while sustaining your health.
Manage your stress levels
When setting aside time to take care of your hair, make sure your space is peaceful. One of the biggest causes of unhealthy hair can result from being stressed out. Stress can cause hair loss and thinning. Take a deep breath and make your hair care regime as stress-free as possible. Candles, oils, good music, and cozy spaces are good things to consider on wash day. The more peaceful the vibe, the better the outcome.
Consistency is key
No matter how many top-tier practices you use during your hair care regime, if you aren’t consistent, you won’t see the results you’re looking for. Your beautiful hair is an extension of consistency and good practices, so caring for your hair with a set routine will keep the love flowing and will result in the positive results you want!
You can’t get the results you want without being consistent, which is why having a routine is so important. Being at peace, knowing your hair, taking your vitamins, and using oils are vital steps to your healthy hair routine. Do your best, keep yourself accountable, and leave some room for your growth as well!

Nangai & Tsubaki Strength Restore Hair Oil