Traveling Hacks for the Jet-Setting Rosettes

Traveling Hacks for the Jet-Setting Rosettes
With summer in full effect, we understand that beaches are a must; we’re here for it. While sailing the seven seas, it’s even more important to take practical measures to keep your skin looking flawless. Check out these traveling hacks to ensure your beauty rituals never miss a beat no matter where you are on the planet. 

Hydration From the Inside Out
Even when offered those complimentary wines, you will politely say “no” because elegance is a refusal or something like that. But really, and you should already know this, water hydrates the skin, and in a dry, pressurized airplane, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. If regular water is boring to you, try sparkling, adding lemons, limes, or coconut water.

Toner is Your Ally
If you have clogged pores, oily skin, or are prone to acne, you need to add toner to your skincare routine no matter where you are. After applying cleanser, follow it up with our herbal FACE Fresh Tone. Adding it to your travel ritual refreshes your skin’s pH balance, and gently purifies and renews without stripping it of much-needed moisture.

Moisturize, Moisturize and Moisturize!
Whether you have normal, oily, or combination skin, it would be best to lock in all the moisture and hydration you can get significantly when abruptly changing climates. Use a moisturizer day and night! A good formula will minimize the appearance of pores, hydrate dehydrated skin, and creates a moisture seal on your skin. If your skin is dry after a long flight, you can slap on a thick layer of the moisturizer and use it as a 10-minute emergency mask.

Pro Tip: Hydrating your hair is also essential. Be sure to grab your Camille Rose’s Moisture On The Go. The 4-piece collection is perfect for damaged hair that could use extra moisture while on vacation as it’s packed with hydrating heavy hitters to keep your natural hair clean and moisturized with defined curls. The collection includes Sweet Ginger cleanser, Moroccan Pear conditioning custard, Curl Maker clarifying jelly, and Curl Love leave-in conditioner.

Don’t Leave Home Without Sunscreen
Never skip out on sunscreen. Like, ever! Even darker complexions are vulnerable to the sun’s harmful UV rays. If you’re skeptical about some sunscreens, which can go on heavy and can be sticky, create a DIY version for yourself. Combine Red Raspberry Oil, Carrot Oil, and Aloe Gel for an all-natural protective sunscreen that makes a cream of sorts that is cooling and weightless and absorbs fast. The oils have an SPF range of 38 – 50. Even if you’re not setting out to tan, it’s vital to protect your skin from sun damage and inflammatory free radicals.

Rosettes, traveling like a beauty boss doesn’t have to be complicated. Use these simple tips on your next vacation, and feeling beautiful!

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